Apple has unveiled its all-new Mac mini powered by the M4 and new M4 Pro chips. The new device is tiny at just 5 by 5 inches and delivers a significant performance boost over the M1 model. It includes Thunderbolt 5 for faster data transfer speeds on the M4 Pro model and is built for Apple Intelligence. Mac mini is Apple’s first carbon neutral Mac with an over 80 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions across its materials, manufacturing, transportation, and customer use.
The new Mac mini footprint is less than half the size of the previous design at just 5 by 5 inches, so it takes up much less space on a desk. Apple says that when compared to the best-selling PC desktop in its price range, Mac mini is up to 6x faster at one-twentieth the size.They add that when compared to the Mac mini with Intel Core i7, Mac mini with M4 Pro it performs spreadsheet calculations up to 4x faster in Microsoft Excel, executes scene-edit detection up to 9.4x faster in Adobe Premiere Pro, transcribes with on-device AI speech-to-text up to 20x faster in MacWhisper and processes basecalling for DNA sequencing in Oxford Nanopore MinKNOW up to 26x faster.
The new Mac mini features front-facing ports for more convenient access, including two USB-C ports that support USB 3, and an audio jack with support for high-impedance headphones. On the back, Mac mini with M4 includes three Thunderbolt 4 ports, while Mac mini with M4 Pro features three Thunderbolt 5 ports. Mac mini comes standard with Gigabit Ethernet, configurable up to 10Gb Ethernet for faster networking speeds, and an HDMI port for easy connection to a TV or HDMI display without an adapter. With M4, Mac mini can support up to two 6K displays and up to one 5K display, and with M4 Pro, it can support up to three 6K displays at 60Hz for a total of over 60 million pixels. While this sounds like a lot, the extra video performance is valuable with the burgeoning number of wide-screen displays in use.
Apple says the new Mac mini is Apple’s first carbon neutral Mac, marking a significant milestone toward Apple 2030, the company’s goal to be carbon neutral across the entire carbon footprint by the end of this decade. It is made with over 50% recycled content overall, including 100% recycled aluminium in the enclosure, 100% recycled gold plating in all Apple-designed printed circuit boards, and 100% recycled rare earth elements in all magnets. The electricity used to manufacture Mac mini is sourced from 100% renewable electricity. Apple has also invested in clean energy projects around the world and prioritised lower-carbon modes of shipping, like ocean freight, to further reduce emissions from transportation.
Mac mini with M4 starts at RRP A$999 inc. GST and RRP A$849 inc. GST for educationi. Mac mini with M4 Pro starts at RRP A$2,199 inc. GST and RRP A$2,049 inc. GST for education. Additional technical specifications are available at
New accessories with USB-C including Magic Keyboard (RRP A$149 inc. GST , Magic Keyboard with Touch ID (RRP A$209 inc. GST , Magic Keyboard with Touch ID and Numeric Keypad (RRP A$249 inc. GST, Magic Trackpad (RRP A$179 inc. GST, Magic Mouse (RRP A$119 inc. GST, and Thunderbolt 5 Pro Cable (RRP A$115 inc. GST) are available at
Anthony is the founder of Australian Apple News. He is a long-time Apple user and former editor of Australian Macworld. He has contributed to many technology magazines and newspapers as well as appearing regularly on radio and occasionally on TV.